Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Design Day 5

1. We went to the EVL, but there are no "residents" there so we could only ask the employees. Most of them didn't play the game, but the ones that did liked the idea, but thought that the game was too fragile, and worried the catapult was going to break.

2. We couldn't get a picture because the catapult was broke and the ball stolen, so they threw it away last week.

3. Our goals were to make it just the right difficulty, and adjustable so it would be fun. We met the second goal, but the game was too hard.

4.The biggest problem we encountered was either balancing and supporting the board, or making the catapult so it was resilient and usable (make sure the lever worked swiftly enough to launch the ball) at the same time.

5. When we found  a way to make the catapult stay in place, and make it shoot long enough. However, this design did not work too well on a larger scale.

6. Sammy resisted most ideas because he was all for keeping it simple, while Alejandro and I kept trying to make it more complicated.

7. The biggest doubt was how the hoops were going to adjust, and after asking this we all came up with multiple hoops.

8. Alejandro was the devil's advocate and made us realize a bunch of things hat would be wrong with our project.

9. I learned that  I am a good problem solver, I learned that the best way that teamwork works is by listening to other ideas and criticizing effectively, and that the design process is a good way to find flaws in products.