Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Google Glasses

I have no prior knowledge about this topic.

I want to know two things before researching:
   What is Augmented Reality?
   Will Google use it as an advantage against Apple?


What I learned

  • Google Glasses are glasses that have a screen in which you can manage your daily tasks. It uses
  • They use Google Maps and GPS in order to help you reach destinations.
  • You can manage your messages there and you can reply by speech to text. 
  • It has a camera and you can take photos whenever.
  • It has video calls in which you can show  people what you are watching, with your glasses!
This connects to my life because in the twentyfirst century, people are dependant on technolgy. Having spectacles that are able to manage all your stuff in the day will be very convenient for people around the world. However, in Colombia, there is no such technology and information to be able to use all of Google Glasses's advantages. 

Will people really want to use it?

Monday, November 19, 2012

College Exploration on Naviance

Harvard. Located in Boston, Harvard University is considered one of the best colleges in the world. It is a participant of the Ivy League.

Stanford. Stanford is located in Palo Alto, California and is one of the best colleges in both sports and academics. 

  Stanford NYU Columbia Brown MIT
location Palo Alto, CA New York City New York City Providence, RI Cambridge,MA
percent admitted 7 32 10 9 10
avg. GPA 4 3.7 4 4 4
student body 19535 43727 25208 8525 10566
public or private? private private private private private
avg SAT 2172 2030 2180 2135 2225
Coed? coed coed coed coed coed

My GPA in MP1 was 3.7.

I learned that the great Ivy League universities require a perfect GPA in order to be accepted. Also, they accept very few students, and this means that only the best of the best of students enter the universities. Using this information, I will try to maintain and improve my GPA, knowing that it influences my total opportunities greatly.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Google Last Day

Today, I decided to use my Sketch up skills to do a good house. This house will include bedrooms, staircases and a good roof. I learned to use the "Follow me" tool in the roofing part of the house. It was difficult because if I deleted a line, a whole wall would go missing. That's why I took up most of my time in the technical part, not the

Below are two photos of the house.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Google Day 4

Today, I spent most of the class outside because of a mass. However, I managed to use my time to create a sketch of a house in SketchUp. This house was pretty ugly, so Im not proud of it in any way. Below is a picture of the house.